Thursday, March 18, 2010

On Line Dating: Satisfying or Subjective

Why is it that every commercial we see from the "well known" dating sites show people of all ages, cultures and body types cuddling with a gleam in the eyes?  This brings up the question of just how satisfying an online dating service can be or are the results of meeting that "Special" person subjective.

So, not knowing the answer I signed up for three dating services; all well known and self proclaimed as remarkable.  And here I am in my middle 50's finding myself filling out various types of profile data; some long and extensive and others short and vague.  Then comes the dreaded aspect of finding that right picture to post next to the profile.  All sites say that the better the picture you post the more interested parties you will attract.         A picture without makeup and in casual clothes tends to put off any interested parties, however,      Ohhhhh.....put on the red lipstick, eye shadow and dangling ear rings and the interest triples.

Then comes the pokes such as: your smile catches my interest, I think we have a lot in common, if you e-mail me, I will e-mail back.  All of these are standardized statements ready for a quite flick of the keyboard and off it goes.  Now, what must be realized is that these quick little pokes are so easy to do, that most participants may send off 20 at a time without really reading the profiles, but only looking at the pictures.  So the question must be the participant who tackles 20 woman on one evenings search out for a real companionship/relationship or is their libido acting up and anything that looks half way decent will fill the void in their life:  subjective or satisfying.

Now, for my personal experiences; which were enlightening.  My first contact was just too good to be true.  We e-mailed for 3 months yet, he kept putting off that actual first meeting. (Hmmmm).  Then comes the.....Oh, how to I begin text message.  (Oh boy here we go, what am I in for now races through my mind)

And from that I find out that the picture he posted was not of himself, the name I had been calling him for 3 months was ficticious and his marital status was not SINGLE but married.  Oh, but, he had all the reasons for the deceptions and would not take my..."back off" and "leave me alone", "you lying unfaithful louse" with any sincerity and to this day, I will get a text message every now and then asking if my morals had loosed up and was I ready for some fun.

Next came the intelligent man, highly personable, starting his own business while maintaining a current managing job.  Oh, we had some great e-mail and text chats and he was eager for that first meeting.  So, about 3 weeks into the conversation status, we decided to meet.  When I arrived at the resturant I could not find him...the reason being....he was not of the race he declared himself to be.  Very handsome indeed, but, how can one overlook the fact that he represented himself to me something other than he truly was. OK now we are shooting 2 for 2 of unstable, without ethics..creepy individuals prowling the on-line dating sites.

Finally, (and this was when I canceled all my memberships), I started a nice chatting session with a man who's picture was cute, who knew all the right things to say to a woman, and the right amount of attention and little remarks that make a woman truly feel like a woman.  Oh, but to find out that this man was NOT a man indeed, but, a woman declaring herself to be that of male gender and not having any estrogen; who found great fun in dangling woman  on the hook..line.. and sinker of searching for the perfect soul mate.

I had experienced enough to know that online dating was NOT satisfying and truly was subjective based on who is talking and what one is looking for.

So, I continue my quest for a companion, but just not in the venue of on line dating.

Readers...any similar experiences or comment regarding On-Line Dating?  Possibly you have found your soul mate or perhaps you have withdrew your picture and profile determined to find that companion in the daily life interactions.

1 comment:

  1. AARRGGHH, this reminds me of my daughter's blog, She is a twenty something but the issues sound the same. Is it men? uh...
